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classic belly dance

Welcome! Below is all the information you will need about the classes, workshops and training I offer.

Alexandra King Method

The Alexandra King Method is an organized, standardized and comprehensive system of teaching and learning dance in general, and belly dance specifically. The three year curriculum focuses on dance as a performing art. The scope of the training includes the four primary styles of belly dance: American, Egyptian, Turkish cabaret, Tribal Belly dance, including music, history, culture, theater arts and choreography. At the end of training the dancer understands dance, can perform, and can choreograph competently. All classes listed below are taught with this method.

Subjects Taught

  • All styles and levels of belly dance including American Cabaret, Egyptian Cabaret, Turkish Cabaret, Tribal and Flamenco Fusion.

  • Choreography & Improvisation.

  • Theater Arts.

  • The Art of Performing.

  • Music and musical instruments.

  • Middle Eastern dance including folkloric, Persian classical and line dances.

  • Specialty and Prop Dances, including Candle Dance, Sword Dance, Cane, Gypsy (Latin-Arab Fusion), Saudi Hair, Multiple Veil and Shamiran.

  • Instructor Training and Certification Program.

  • Personalized training and choreography.



Tuition is due in full on the first day OF A SERIES. There is a 5-day grace period.

4 week series, $60.00; 5 week series, $75.00; 8 Week Class Series, $120.00. Drop-ins, $20.00/class.



Option #1: Single Class - $90.00/hour.

Option #2: Single Series - 1-3 classes $80.00/hour. [$240.00]


MONTH -TO-MONTH [Subscription - you pay the same amount every month on the 1st of the month]

Tuition is due in full within the first week of each month. Missed classes are made up, there no credit transfers. *Paid classes are suspended for medical reasons.

If the instructor cancels there is a credit transfer. One month notice is requested for cancelling a subscription. No refunds, only credit transfers for instructor cancellations.

$85.00/hour (in studio)

$50.00/hour (at home or online)



$70.00/hour (in studio)

$40.00/hour (home or online)

Policies for Private Lessons:

  • Private lessons are by appointment (805)687-8823.

  • Form of payment: Cash/Check/VENMO/ZELLE/Money Order.

  • Tuition is due the first, latest the 5th.

  • No credit transfers for month-to-month lessons.

  • No refunds or transfers after 8 weeks, except for illness or injury.

  • CANCELLATIONS: Please give 24 hour notice to cancel a private class, or as soon as possible. Missed classes without timely (24 hours) notice will be charged the full tuition amount.



  • Tuition is $180.00/hour. Add travel expenses for out-of-town classes.

  • Each individual is responsible for paying the additional cost of making up missed classes and there are no credit transfers.

  • A Non-refundable deposit of 20% is required at time of booking a series.



  • Custom Choreography: $50.00/minute for the song chosen.

  • Stock compositions: A flat rate of $200.00 per dance, plus tuition to teach it.

  • Instructor collaboration with students only when the student is advanced and has been trained in choreography. Then, the student must bring the

  • composition to the instructor in its entirety to be reviewed and have suggestions and recommendations. $50.00/minute of the song.

  • All choreography is proprietary. It cannot be taught by the dancer/student and cannot be modified without the consent of the author. When the student performs the piece, the author (choreographer) must be acknowledged as such in any performance, either by the MC or in the program.



  • · No talking in class during instruction; please respect the other srtudents and focus on training.

  •   Please be on time to the best of your ability.

  •   No cell phones in class during instruction

  • · No standing around - when the instructor is not engaged in teaching the class, students should be working.

  • · Wear leotard and tights or yoga and fitted T-Shirt. No dress code for a fitness class.

  • · Shoes are optional, but recommended in fitness classes and required in Persian class. Flamenco shoes required for flamenco class.

  • · Tuition is due 1-2 weeks prior to the first day of any series. This way, it is known whether there are enough regiatrants to hold the class.

  • · Form of payment for classes is Cash, Check, Monday Order or Venmo.




Get fit and have fun learning the ancient art of belly dance!

Bring zills and a hip scarf.

Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 







Schott Center

Adult Ed (Center for Extended Learning) Schott Center -RM 14 Tannahill Auditorium

310 W. Padre St. Santa Barbara, CA 9301

Spring Series April 5- May10 -Openings, taksim with floorwork and dancing with zills. We will learn  a dance!

Cost: $36.00/6 classes

Summer Series  #1 - ZAMBRA! One of the earliest forms of belly dance as performed by gypsies in the caves of Grenada. Bring a full skirt and shawl. 6/7 - 7/5

Summer Series #2 - ZAMBRA! II - A continuation of ZAMBRA I - choreography. Bring full skirt and shawl. 7/12 - 8/9 

Register at Schott Center either in person or online at or call 805-Phone: (805) 683-8200

For information and to register go to:

No drop-ins, sorry.

Bring zills (finger cymbals) which can be purchased either on $12.99 +

Skills to Graduate from teh Beginning Level: 

  • Must be able to dance and play zills - triplets and doubles. 

  • Must know basic vocabulary and technique for the five parts of the dance, (Opening, Veil, Takism, Drum solo and Finale)

  • Must know the six basic rhythms of belly dance including Balady, Chiftitelli, Bolero and Ayyoub.

  • Must be able to execute a simple group choreography.  


Learn rhythms, technique and compostions on the Dumbek!





                                                                                        Next class TBA for summer!

Dancers learn to drum and the 14 rhythms of belly dance, plus cultural dances that are the foundation of belly dance, including Saidi, Ghawazee,

Saudi, Turkish Rom. Learn to play zills and dance. Bring a dumbek, or zills/Deff or Riq plus a chair and leg lift. If it is dark  bring a lantern.


$80.00- 8 weeks. Registration and tuition due a week before the class begins. Payment can be made on VENMO @bellydanceralexandra or with a check made out to Alexandra King P.O. Bix 868, Santa Barbara, CA 93102

Summer Series  - July 7 - August 25 ~ 8 weeks $80.0

Fall Series September 8th - October 27th $80.00



Learn line dances from Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and Armenia!










Taking it up a notch - more technique, different styles and a new focus on performing!

Length: 1 year of consistant attendance.

Bring: Veil, zills, knee pads and hip scarf.

Dates/Times: TBA

Skills to graduate from the year-long curriculum:

  • Perform a complete choreography.

  • Know basic vocabulary.

  • Understand the difference between Turkish, Egyptian and American cabaret.

  • Play the eight primary Egyptian rhythms, (Balady, Maksoum, Ayyoub, Masmoudi, Saidi, Zar, Malfouf and Fellahin) on a percussion instrument of choice.

INTERMEDIATE I & II: American Cabaret 16 weeks

Series #1: Intermediate Technique for Openings/Finales and Takism, (standing & floor work) in American  Cabaret Style. Bring zills and knee pads.

Graduate Skills -  Can improvise an opening, finale and taksim dancing with zills.

Series #2: Intermediate Technique for Veil and Drum Solo in American Style. Bring 3 yard silk veil

Graduate Skills  - Can improvise a Veil and Drum Solo.

INTERMEDIATE III: Turkish Style Cabaret 8 weeks

Series #3: Intermediate Technique for Openigns, Karsilama, Drum solo and Taksim (standing and floor work). Bring Zills and Veil.

Graduate skills - Can improvise a Turkish cabaret including karsilama.

INTERMEDIATE III & IV: Classic Egyptian "Oriental" Style Cabaret 16 weeks

Series #4: Intermediate technique for the classic Wasla suite using classic Egyptian props including zagat, stick and Chamidan.

Graduate skills - Can recognize classic and interprete classic Egyptian songs, recognize and aptly interpret the balady progression, use a veil in the entrance , work witih stick, candlabra and dance with zills.

INTERMEDIATE V: Modern Egyptian 8 weeks

Series #5: Intermediate Drum Solo: Rhythms, Technique, Composition and Choreography.

Graduate skills include recognizing and dancing to Egyptian pop and includes dancing with Stick.

Skills to graduate from the Intermediate Level and join the Advanced Class: Must have attained the one year training classes and be able to capably execute the technical skills of these classes.  











Dates, Times and Location TBA



Putting It All Together. Cabaret belly dance is a solo, improvisational style. In this class, dancers polish, perfect and define their own style.

Length: One year.

Prerequisites: Completion of the Intermediate level. Advanced dancers learn to improvise an entire American Cabaret putting all the basics into a complete dance, including Openings, Veil, Taksim, Drum Solo and Turkish 9/8 while dancing with zills. We will also focus on The Balady Progression. Dancers who are ready will be invited to perform at the Graduation Hafla (show) in June.

Graduation Ability:

  • Will be able to perform an improvised American and Egyptian cabaret solo and dance with zills. 

  • Will be able to ​recognize and correctly name twelve of the most famous Egyptian songs, including TammraHenna, Mashaal, Inte Omri, Sawah, Lissa Fakir, to new a few.

  • Play the eight primary Egyptian rhythms, (Balady, Maksoum, Ayyoub, Masmoudi, Saidi, Zar, Malfouf and Fellahin)  on a percussion instrument of choice.

  • Understand and dance a 9/8

Bring zills, veils and knee pads to class.

Day/Time/Location: TBA.

Advanced Cabaret includes 3 Sessions:

Session #1  - The Art and Methods of Choreography and Improvisation. The student will present a completed choreography to an classic Oriental piece. Upon graduation, the student will be eligible to join the professional class. 8 weeks.

Session #2 - The Art of Performance. This session covers theater arts and the art of the relationship between the performer and the audience.

We will focus on Presence, Projection, Personality , Stage Make-up, Stage Courage and Stage Protocol. 8 weeks.

Class #1 - Emotion and Performing.

Class #3 - The Power of Presence.

Class #4 - Personality and Performing: The Kalaidescope of Personalities

Class #5 - Projection: The Power of Intention on Stage

Class #6 - Protocol for Stage

Class #7 - *Stage Make-up - The basics of hair and make-up.

Class #8 -  Programming 

*Shopping List for Make-Up Class:

  • Pancake foundation –oil is preferred + Sponges (slanted types preferred)

  • Translucent Powder and Large brush.

  • Dark Shadow

  • Rouge

  • Stipple Brush

  • Highlighter for cheeks

  • Black or Brown Eye Shadow

  • Black or Brown Eye Liner

  • White Highlighter pencil

  • False Eyelashes

  • Dark Red or Brown Matter Lipstick

  • Light Highlighter Lipstick

  • Lip Liner Pencil

  • Glitter for face

  • Bindi (optional

Session #3: The Art of Improvisation and stylization. 10 weeks. Dancers will do a complete solo and get critiqued as well as critique each other.


Dates, Times TBA.







Days/Times: TBA.

Basics of Persian Classical dance includes body positions, stances, gestures and steps. A simple choreography will be taught.

tribal belly dance
american cabaret belly dance
advanced belly dance class
egyptian belly dance with cane
drum class
greek folk dance class
turkish dance
veil dance class
persian dance


Children's Belly Dance (8-10) ~ Time/Day/Location - TBA.

Young ladies will learn the art of belly dance including steps, combinations, the veil, turning and how to create a magical show in the Spring recital!

Need hip Scarves. Wear bare feet, leotards and tights.

Dates: TBA

4 Weeks - $40.00

Westside Dance

2009 De La Vina St. 

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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